Ciancio J, Quintana F, Sala JE and Wilson RP. 2016. Cold birds under pressure; can thermal substitution ease heat loss in diving penguins? Marine Biology 163: 43. DOI 10.1007/s00227-016-2813-2. by Leptomar | Jul 7, 2023 | A Tema de estudio sin Categorizar, Animal, Autor(es), Papers, Pingüinos, Quintana F., Tema de estudio, Wilson RP.Cold-birds-under-pressure-Can-thermal-substitution-ease-heat-loss-in-diving-penguinsDescarga
Wilson RP, Holton MD, Walker JS, Shepard ELC, Scantlebury MD, Wilson VL, Wilson GI, Tysse B, Gravenor M, Ciancio J, McNarry MA, Mackintosh KA, Qasem L, Rosell F, Graf PM, Quintana F, Gómez-Laich A, Sala JE, Mulvenna CC, Marks NJ, Jones MW. 2016. A spherical-plot solution to linking acceleration metrics with animal performance, state, behaviour and lifestyle. Movement Ecology 4:22. by Leptomar | Jun 25, 2023 | A Tema de estudio sin Categorizar, Animal, Animal sin categorizar, Autor(es), Gómez Laich A., Papers, Quintana F., Tema de estudio, Wilson RP.A-spherical-plot-solution-to-linking-acceleration-metrics-with-animal-performance-state-behaviour-and-lifestyleDescarga